The history of
Palangka Raya City is an integral part of the establishment of
Tengah province based on the Emergency Constitution Number 10
year 1957,
Countery Sheet Number 53 along with its explanation (Additional
Country Sheet
Number 1284) valid since 23 May 1957, and then called
constitution of
Local Government Unit Establishment of Kalimantan Tengah
Along with the
effectiveness of constitution number 27 year 1959 and
Mandate of the
Minister for Internal Affairs of Republic Indonesia on
December 22,
1959 number Des. 52/12/2 – 206, the movement of place and
position of the
regional government of kalimantan Tengah from Banjarmasin to
Palangka Raya
was maintained starting from December 20, 1959. Then,
Kahayan Tengah
subdistrict which was located in Pahandut was changed step
by step and got
additional assignments and functions, such as preparing
Palangka Raya
municipality. Kalimantan Tengah was headed by
Assistant, who was J.M. NAHAN.
The gradually
improvement of Kahayan Tengah subdistrict, had been more
realized after Mr.
TJILIK RIWUT was inaugurated as Governor, the 1st
Regional Level
Leader of Kalimantan Tengah on December 23, 1959 by
Minister for
Internal Affairs and Kahayan Tengah subdistrict was moved
into Bukit Rawi.
ceremony of Palangka Raya Municipality to be an autonomous
municipality was
attended by B.Committee Leader of DPRGR, Mr.
WIDJOYO, DPRGR members, Internal Affair Department
Officers, Deputy
between Kalimantan Regions, Brigadir Jenderal TNI M.
Deyahdak II kalimantan, Representative of
Tengah region government, and several other senior officers.
The ceremony was
held on Bukit Ngalangkang Field, the garden of
townsquare and
noted as the history that would not be ever forgotten before the
ceremony held at
08.00 morning, there were demonstration of parachute
jumping which
brought Palangka Raya municipality symbol.
On that day,
with Mandate of the Minister for Internal Affairs of Republic
Indonesia, the Governor
the first Regional Level I Leader of Kalimantan
Tengah Mr.
TJILIK RIWUT was pointed as the Municipality Leader of
Palangka Raya
and Municipality Symbol of Palangka Raya was handed by the
Minister for
Internal Affairs.
On that
ceremony, the Governor of Palangka Raya municipality handed a
Golden Key
(weighted 170 grams) to President of Republic Indonesia through
the Minister of
Internal Affairs, and continued with the grand opening of
Major Office,
and that time was remembered as the Birthday of
Palangka Raya City