Tangkiling Hill & The Legend

Down the hills in the area of the municipality of Palangkaraya, it feels incomplete when yet this one up the Hill, Tangkiling Hill. It is located far from the city centre, the exact Tjilik Riwut Jl Km 32 directions out of town. From all directions, the lush overgrown Hill appears to be trees.

To enter the area of the foothills, from Banturung Village had to drove 1600 m again. Do not imagine the difficulty of the terrain that must be traversed towards the foot of the Hill, because it is no longer a footpath, but paved roads that are occasionally flooded when it rained. New hardships, felt after being on the Ridge, steep uphill and running down the street in front of the eyes.

Tangkiling hill located in the city of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. the distance of the journey from the city of Palangka Raya approximately 34 Km with it takes about 30 minutes. This place is usually crowded days, holiday leisure because many people to this place, on the Hill of Tangkiling there is a rock that is shaped like a boat, it was said that his story on this rock of yore was a boat turned to stone (basaluh) by the Almighty due to the occurrence of a pali (abstinence) the story is almost similar to the legend of sangkuring:-) of this story, in the past the island of borneo is part of the ocean and past daratannya is only a little that is central and East region of the island of borneo is now = When it's tangkiling Hill belongs to the Mainland so that there can be a village, it was dikampung there lived a mother and her son her husband was already dead. The mother was known with the bawi kuwu (a woman who is beautiful and ageless), within a day the mother was cooking nasi goreng fried without oil (bari sanga) when the mother was cooking turned out to be the son of her mother's urgently so that it continued to be served quickly because the child was hungry, the mother tried to be patient but the child even more and merengek-rengek notkaruan then drop it this the mother patience accidentally, he swung solet (suruk: tools create FRY) to the head of his son sasaat after he struck me on the head of his son turned out to have fresh blood flowing so that the child is becoming frantic and furious. In an instant the children ran out of the House she feels her mother no longer care for herself, her mother tried to pursue but the child so that it ran into a dock.In the harbour there is a ship that is being stopped, she comes from the land of China is in transit to sell ceramics in it and the children hiding at the bottom of the ship. His mother tried to find throughout all corners of the hometown but can not findit. She regretted her because her son's head has hit, and musing on what he had done that. Then shortly after unloading in the dock is completed then the Chinese shipwas finally pulled off her back and sail to the land of China. Long story short the last child hiding in the ship was discovered by the ship's captain and questioned why he was on his boat that, he answered truthfully that her mother had hit his head so that he thinks his mother is no longer a Darling on her, it is not possible to go back in again then by Captain of the ship he was allowed participate sailing after recovering he became steward on his boat that, due to its good he finally worked to merchants who have the ship , after all this time working with merchants and the child grows into a young man who was handsome, long time working in the country of China he became a confidante of the merchants even because the merchants of yesteryear do not have offspring then finally he was appointed as a child and was given the nameKilin, hardly felt year after year went by and the merchant and his wife had died. Then the Kilin intend to sail again to trade, then he contacted Captain who had saved him in the past, this Captain joyfully welcomed the plan Kilin then they started preparing for the voyage. Once the exact moment they sailed from country to country, from island to island and from sea to sea and sail the ocean until they came to the place of kampung si Kilin last originated. While they are in transit to this village and the young by Kilin a beautiful woman who brings strong to be switched on goods brought his ship. That time he fell in love with the woman and pretty soon he was proposing to her, the woman received this proposal but he admits that he's not a girl and she was never married before, for young children who are in love this isn't a problem then he remained on the establishment of the heart so that eventually they got married. After marriage he brought a woman into his ship, at the time a big ship called the Dayak community Banama name and pemilknya is called. Once the second spouse Banama program making out and down her head in the lap of Kilin this woman, so the woman was mengelus-ngelus kepalaKilin gently. While stroking the head of Kilin involves seeing a wound to her head and spontaneously ditanyakannyalah ha to Kilin,Kilin pun then recounts his past to this woman, that's when the woman is so shocked and pale with the face she said that her own mother who intended that, when theKilin heard it of course Kilin deny this outright and accuses the woman lying No, she said maybe if the woman was her mother because if his mother must have been older, her mother replied he didn't get old because he has begged the Almighty in order to be granted longevity so he was given the gift of beauty that does not fade. Quickly Kilin laugh at this thing so he finally uttered an oath if it is said the woman's right, let in was condemned by the Almighty. At that time there was a great calamity until Thunder and rain occurs responded said accompanied the storm when the Sun is shining bright ever took place, eventually due to a curse that ship (banama) owned Kilin turned to stone and the woman who turns out her mother ended up stuck inthe stone, while the fate of the crew and Kilin own unknown maybe they died and sank into the sea. Supposedly the story when the ship (Banama) it turns into her mother's stone caged in it masihlah life so residents who feel concerned can sometimesprovide meals and drinks as well as betel and areca nut through a hole that there isdibatu that, even if the thread is inserted in the hole the next day could be the clothwoven by women because it had been. Then a terrible thing happened, there's someone men who are eager to see the face of this woman because she has the longevity he is famous for having a beautiful face, this man then sticks his food to be givento women in rock, when the hand of the woman is extendable to pick it up, the manis forced to hold this woman's hand and tried to pull it out, but this woman tried toresist but very poor women have been closely terpegang by the male. Because annoyed with the refusal of women in stone last with this cruel male swinging the AX and cut off the hand of a woman's last-ever since then never again heard the woman'svoice or anything that indicates the presence of life in the rock are visible. 

According to the story of these events occur during the Tang dynasty, then the location of the event is named after the Tangkiling, whereas kilin showed in people who experienced the events of curse is the Kilin  Finally its mention being turned into Tangkiling on the present, then at that time the sea water has decreased so that the formation of the land, while the hometown residence Kilin and his mother turns out to be a hillnow, this is what now is called the Hill of tangkiling While the stone that resembles a ship and called stone banama we can see until now. But dear received this Hill he could be a flat stone quarries because increasing in accordance with the development of the more stretched in the city of Palangka Raya.
