Sun Bear Kalimantan

Sun Bear (Helarctos Malayanus) is the smallest bear species found to inhabit the tropical forests in Southeast Asia. Sun Bear  is the world's smallest bear species and also one of the most unique, being the only member of the family of bears who not only adjust to Habitat in the forest, but also has an exclusive life in inhabiting a tree. Sun Bear  have white fur that is typical in a part of his chest in the shape of r. Sun Bear  is rare and elusive animals means that very little is actually known about their habits and behavior in the wild. Sun Bear  populations are known to drastically decrease because threatened by poaching and the loss of their natural habitat.

Sun Bear  is not only the world's smallest bear species, but it also has the shortestfur if compared with other bear species. Sun Bear  fur color varies from black to dark brown or gray. In part their chest there is a typical pattern of U-shaped white to yellow or orange. Sun Bear  has light-colored face with short muzzle and ears short. Sun Bear  also has a long curved claws on their front feet that help them to climb trees and break open the hollow wood for termites that can also be done with large canines and jaw are strong they have. One of the most remarkable features of the Sun Bear  is their long tongue that can be up to 25 cm and maggots used to capture and take honey from the hive and crevices of trees.

Sun Bear  found in a number of countries in Southeast Asia, but due to the insistence of man, they are now only found in some habitats are becoming increasingly isolated. Sun Bear  can be found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra (Indonesia), on the Mainland forests (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam) and alsofound some Sun Bear  in China's Eastern and southern India. Sun Bear  inhabited lowland rain forests where there are a wide variety of food and also heavily forest to protect them from predators. However, in many of their natural habitats (especially in Indonesia and Malaysia) Sun Bear  has lost vast areas of its native habitat resulting from deforestation, mainly to clear land for agriculture (such as palm oil plantations) and the timber industry.

Sun Bear  spent most of his life living in the trees in the forest and even sleep in nests built by folding the leafy branches. Sun Bear  is very adept at climbing they can do with incredible speed using a long and curved talons. Sun Bear  is a diurnal animals who spend their daytime feeding and resting in their nests in trees at night.However, in areas with growth rate of high human activity, Sun Bear  is known to adopt the way of nocturnal to avoid confrontations. Like other bear species, the Sun Bear  is also solitary animals (outs) which will only be met if pasanganya on the mating season only. Unlike other bear species around the globe, Sun Bear  no no berhibrenasi (winter sleep). It was dikarena Sun Bear  live in the tropics where there is no seasonal change very drastically.

Sun bear is Omnivorous animal (eaters of All), these bears love meat animals such as Chickens, birds, besides this beast also liked the fruits and young foliage such as Palm tops. As the name suggests, is very fond of Sun Bear honey. His favorite foodis honey. Sun Bear  often hunt at night, honeycomb, honey and bees and the son of the most favored.

Sun Bear  eat a variety of fruits, nuts, and shoots as well as to supplement their diet, Sun Bear eats insects, grubs, honey, eggs and small animals such as rats. By using the powerful teeth and a sharp claw Sun Bear is able to break open the hollowwood before using their long tongue to extract termites inside. However, if it is not possible to solve the nest in the tree trunk, Sun Bear  is known to put their front legs into the holes one by one, allowing the termites crawling up onto their feet before being eaten.

Sun Bear  breeding by way of giving birth, Sun Bear  Usually contain subs 3.5 months and breastfeeding for about 1.5 years. Sexual maturity appear when a 4 year old Sun Bear . The average age of the Sun Bear  can reach 25-30 years. 

next, i will write about zoo in Palangka Raya city. so stay tune.
